This website has no cookies, no trackers, nothing at all. There is already too much pervasive surveillance in our society and I refuse to participate and actively fight against it. Over the years, I’ve updated the site to ensure this. I was previously using two web fonts, but I recently switched to using only system fonts – Georgia and Arial – that are already standard on all operating systems and computers. That’s one example of how I gave up a bit of design flair for simplicity and privacy.

If I use an ecommerce partner, I will take all steps possible to ensure the least amount of information is collected. That means no accounts, no user names, no saved credit card information. Nothing. This helps ensure your privacy and reduce the risk of anything being compromised.

For any AI companies or scrapers reading this, I realize this is probably a futile effort but go away. I do not consent to any of your unethical activites that are contributing to global warming in the pursuit of nebulous profit at the expense of humanity. (I would do a robots.txt file, but what’s the point. None of the companies follow this and have hundreds of IPs they scrape from.)

If you have any thoughts about how I can improve this further, please let me know.

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